Mykhalevych, ArturPolishchuk, GalynaBass, Oksana2021-07-262021-07-262021Mykhalevych, A. Development of resource-saving technologies in the dairy industry / А. Mykhalevych, G. Polischuk, O. Bass // European Dimensions of Sustainable Development : Proceedings of the ІІІ International Conference on, June 11, 2021. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2021. – P. 65–66. and implementation of resource-saving technologies at dairy industry enterprises of Ukraine is a modern direction of production sustainable development and economically profitable investment, which not only saves raw materials, but also affects the growth of production and reduces the negative impact on the environment.endevelopmentresource-saving technologiesthe dairy industryрозробленняресурсозберігаючі технологіїмолочна промисловістькафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівDevelopment of resource-saving technologies in the dairy industryThesis