Gavva, Oleksandr M.Mykhailyk, BorysKulyk, Nataliya2020-02-102020-02-102019Gavva, O Mechatronic module for weight dosing of viscoplastic foods / O. Gavva, B. Mykhailyk, N. Kulyk // Proceedings. Biotechnologies and food technologies. – 2019. – Vol. 58, Book 10.2. – P. 32–36. the paper, the processes of extrurion and dosing of viscoplastic food products using a tensometric weighing system has been considered. The study has been carried out to determine the dynamic forces that affect the tensometric system in filling packagings proccess. The loads that products were stressed by when passing a screw feeder have been evaluated. The filling process has been investigated by simulation using the. FlowVision software. To ensure uniform loads on the weighing system, the changes in the indications of the filling system when using a telescopic tube have been studied. The design of a mechatronic module for dispensing viscoplastic food products by weighting method has been proposed.enweight dosingstrain gauge systemsimulation modelingmechatronic module.вагове дозуваннятензометрична системаімітаційне моделюваннямехатронний модулькафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвMechatronic module for weight dosing of viscoplastic foodsArticle