Romanov, Mykola2017-04-032017-04-032016Romanov, M. Multi-criteria optimization of Brewing technological processes / M. Romanov // Food Science for Well-being (CEFood 2016) : 8th Central European Congress on Food 2016 : book of Abstracts, 23-26 May 2016. – K. : NUFT, 2016. – P. 200. setting a problem of optimal control one of the main issues is the choice of optimality criterion. Development of algorithms of brewing process multi-criteria control based on criteria situational priority and fuzzy limits will increase technological complex productivity and the quality of the finished product.otherвиробництво пивабагатокритеріальна оптимізаціяпроизводство пивамногокритериальная оптимизацияbeer productionmulti-criteria optimizationкафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерних технологій систем управлінняMulti-criteria optimization of Brewing technological processesThesis