Chugaeva, Nataliya2019-04-082019-04-082017Chuhaieva, N. Innovational tendencies of teaching psychology in technical university / N. Chuhaieva // Інноваційні технології в науці та освіті. Європейський досвід : міжнародна конференція : матеріали у 2-х томах, том ІІ. – Дніпро-Відень, 2017. — C. 170-173. innovations are always presented by the teachers in the higher educational institutions. Psychology is a science, which is included in all spheres of life and human activity. That`s why, it is studied by students of economic, technological and technical specialities. A few years ago the National University of Food Technologies launched the English-learning project, the integral part of which is teaching the course of "Psychology".en-USпсихологіяуніверситетосвітастудентианглійська мовапсихологияуниверситетобразованиестудентыанглийский языкpsychologyuniversityeducationstudentsEnglish languageкафедра гуманітарних дисциплінInnovational tendencies of teaching psychology in technical universityOther