Melnyk, LyudmilaMatko, SvetlanaShevchenko, Oleksandr2013-06-262013-06-262013Melnik, L. Researching of microbiological parameters of apple juice, processed by shungite / L. Melnik, S. Matko, O. Shevchenko // The Second Nort and East European congress on food : NEEFood - 2013, Kyiv, 26-29.05.2013. - P. 257. processing apple juice by shungite, simultaneously with the adsorption of harmful microorganisms,colloidal substances are also adsorbed, and that in turn promotes clarification of juice.This work proves the expediency of adsorptive processing of apple juice by shungite with fraction of 1 ... 3mm. Rational parameters of apple juice processing, under which the maximum reduction of microbial insemination is reached, are the following: shungite concentration of -1.5 ... 2% mass., temperature - 60°C,duration - 60 juicesshungiteadsorption of narmful microorganismsяблучний сікшунгітадсорбціямікроорганізмияблочный сокшунгитадсорбциямикроорганизмыкафедра процесів і апаратів харчових виробництвкафедра технології консервуванняResearching of microbiological parameters of apple juice, processed by shungiteThesis