Sarakun, LarysaPinchuk, YevhenDrapohuz, VasilyOleksin, IgorSerediuk, Natalia2022-01-152022-01-152020Virtual space as the environment for the formation of the cosmopolitical planetary society / L. Sarakun, Y. Pinchuk, V. Drapohuz, I. Oleksin, N. Serediuk // PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology. – 2020. – Vol. 17, № 7. – Р. 30–44. paper considers the problem of determining the role of virtual space in the formation of the cosmopolitan society, which in the most evident way manifests itself under the influence of globalization. The essential impact of the information processes on the formation of the organizational unity of the planetary community is being emphasized upon. It is argued that digital technologies of network communications have radically transformed all the spheres of being a modern person. New opportunities opened up by information and communication technologies, have enabled the actual eradication of any borders between the real world and cyberspace.encyberspacenet spacecosmopolitanismcosmopolitan planetary communityкіберпростірмережевий простіркосмополітизмкосмополітична планетарна спільнотакафедра гуманітарних дисциплінVirtual space as the environment for the formation of the cosmopolitical planetary societyArticle