Rindyuk, DmitryLementar, Sviatoslav2014-04-152014-04-152013https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14004The basic principles and methods of constructing a mathematical model for the processes of particular materials processing are presented in this paper. An example of the practical application of the developed model in the technology of biomass extrusion, which is used for the production of fuel pellets, is considered. A mathematical model of the process for particular materials extrusion is developed and a new approach to the extrusion granulator unit design is offered with the developed methods taken as a basis. The effect of technological and design factors of extrusion granulator unit to the extrusion process regularity are also studied.enінформаційні технології проектуванняинформационные технологии проектированияinformation technology of designматематичне моделюванняматематическое моделированиеmathematical modelingгранулюваннягранулированиеgranulationпаливні гранулитопливные гранулыfuel pelletsкафедра технологічного обладнання та комп’ютерних технологій проектуваннякафедра теоретичної механіки та ресурсоощадних технологійInformation technology in designing high-performance equipment for biomass compactingArticle