Naumenko, NataliiaStelmakh, R.2015-07-032015-07-032012Naumenko, N. Linguistic game elements in food advertising / N. Naumenko, R. Stelmakh // Ukrainian food journal. – 2012. - № 2. – С. 110-114. article shows the results of game elements ’ analysis in Ukrainian advertising for foodstuff. There was confirmed that language component is cardinally important in creating a good and expedient image of an advertised product, deprived of any kind of contradiction. Particularly, the main factor in achieving this goal is the word game (like puns, rhymes, or alliteration).foodstuffcultureword gameпродукты питаниякультураигра в словапродукти харчуваннягра в словакафедра гуманітарних дисциплінLinguistic game elements in food advertisingArticle