Yuneeva, NataliaDanko, AlexeyIzvolenskiy, Igor2013-09-042013-09-042013Yuneeva, N. Estimation of steady-state stability limit of the electric power system current regime to improve reliability of power supply / N. Yuneeva, O. Danko, I. Izvolenskiy // The Second North and East European Congress on Food (NEEFood-2013) : book of abstracts, 26–29 May 2013. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2013. – P. 57 research resulted in the technique of monitoring the current stock of static stability in the cross section of the EPS based on the criterion of the regime of using synchronized measurements phase of voltage in electrical network remote sites with visual trajectory weighting.power systemsteady-state stabilityphase synchronized measurementелектроенергетична системастатична стійкістьсинхронизоване вимірювання фазэлектроэнергетическая системастатическая устойчивостьсинхронизированное измерение фазкафедра електропостачання і енергоменеджментуEstimation of steady-state stability limit of the electric power system current regime to improve reliability of power supplyArticle