Kalinovska, TatyanaObolkina, Vera2018-07-172018-07-172013Kalinovska, T. The use of by-products of wine-making in creating functional confectionery / T. Kalinovska, V. Obolkina // ХХІV Міжнародний колоквіум Інституту CEDIMES, 28 жовт.–3 листоп., м. Київ. — К .:НУХТ, 2013. — С. 20https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28021The thesis is aimed at studying the concentration of pectin and phenol substances in grapes and in processed grapes products as well as at assessing the expediency of making them part of recipe as a valuable raw material for new kinds of confectionery.engrapesprocessed productsconfectioneryвиноградвиноградкондитерские изделиявиноградпродукти переробкикондитерські виробикафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівThe use of by-products of wine-making in creating functional confectioneryThesis