Nikitina, TatyanaBoguslavskyy, AlexanderOmelchenko, Emilia2019-06-102019-06-102018Nikitina, T. On the questions of the economic globalization consequences / Т. Nikitina, A. Boguslavskyy, Е. Omelchenko // Slovak international scientific journal. – 2018. – Vol. 1, № 19. – Р. 9–12. article studies the influence of globalization of the economy and economies of countries, economic processes and phenomena. The influence of transnational corporations on the further development of the world economy and economies of individual countries is analyzed. The processes of globalization and the deepening of integration contribute to the emergence of both positive and negative consequences for the economies of the countries. Progressing complications of global processes determine the topicality of the study of the impact of the effects of globalization of the economy and finding the ways to overcome the problems.entransnational corporations (TNCs)consequences of globalization of economyglobalizationглобалізаціятранснаціональні корпорації (ТНК)наслідки глобалізації економікикафедра готельно-ресторанної справиOn the questions of the economic globalization consequencesArticle