Bakhmach, VladimirBabenko, ValeriyBeletsky, Dmitriy2013-10-232013-10-232013Bakhmach, V. Xanthan gum using in the mayonnaise technology producing / V. Bakhmach, V. Babenko, D. Beletsky // The Second North and East European Congresson Food, 26-29 may 2013. – Ukraine, Kyiv: - 2013. – Р. 228. levels of xanthan gum provide high viscosity in mayonnaise at acid and neutral pH. Viscosity is also stabile to temperature changes and due to this provides long-term storage. Xanthan gum can be used to partially replace starch to improve heat stability and give a cleaner, less pasty mouthfeel. Typically xanthan is used at a concentration of 0.2±0.4%.otherstabilityrheologyviscositysynergygalactomannanреологиюстабільністьреологіюгалактоманнанасинергізмв'язкістьвязкостьсинергизмгалактоманнанстабильностькафедра технології жирів, хімічних технологій харчових добавок та косметичних засобівXanthan gum using in the mayonnaise technology producingThesis