Fedulova, IrinaIakymchuk, Tatiana2015-06-192015-06-192013Fedulova, I. "Green" investments in Ukraine and their socio-economic consequences / I. Fedulova, T. Iakymchuk // Studia i Prace Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania. – 2014. – 35/1. – Pp. 165-176https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21190The article deals with current issues related to environmental protection investment in Ukraine. First of all, green investments are defined in order to avoid inconsistencies in the interpretation of the results. There are analysis of investments in environmental protection over the past five years and the main source of funding, social and economic implications of green investment are considered. During writing conclusions of the article were made primarily on the basis of Ukrainian official statistics.otherfunding sourcesconsequencesеnvironment“green” investmentcapital investmentoperating costsексплуатаційні витратиджерела фінансування"зелені" інвестиціїкапітальні вкладенняэксплуатационные расходыисточники финансирования"зеленые" инвестициикапитальные вложениякафедра економіки праці та менеджменту"Green" investments in Ukraine and their socio-economic consequencesOther