Ivashchenko, NataliaBulyandra, AlexeyTrygub, Inna2013-12-242013-12-242013Ivaschenko, N. Some thermodynamic characteristics of beet pulp / N. Ivaschenko, O. Bulandra, I. Tryhub // The second north and east european congress on food : book of abstracts. NEEFood, May 26-29, – 2013. – K.: NUFT, 2013. - P. 163.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12459Sugar industry of Ukraine has a long-standing tradition for sugar production and export due to favorable soil, climatic and economic condition. According to the results of sugar refining season in 2012-2013, 17.08 million tons of sugar beet roots were processed by the sugar refinery in Ukraine. Nowadays, the main way for sugar beet pulp using is its use in feeding of farm animals. The use of sugar beet pulp for pectin production is considered as a promising direction for its utilization. There are a lot of new technologies and technological decision for production of pectin-contained substances from sugar beet pulp. However, lack of technological steps of the certain quality is one of the major obstacles for application of these technologies.othersugar refinerysugar beet pulpsugar industrysugar productionцукрова переробкам'яка маса цукрового бурякуцукрова промисловістьцукрове виробництвопереработка сахарамягкая масса сахарной свеклысахарная промышленностьпроизводство сахаракафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїкафедра теплоенергетики та холодильної технікиSome thermodynamic characteristics of beet pulpThesis