Starovoitova, SvitlanaOryabinska, Larisa2013-11-052013-11-052008Starovoitova, S. Development of the composition of the polystrain probiotic on basis of the bacteria of genus Lactobacillus / S. Starovoitova, L. Oryabinska // Abstracts. 21st International CODATA Conference “Scientific Information for Society –from Today to the Future”(5-8 October 2008, Kyiv). - Kiev, 2008. - P. 170 - 171. developed composition of lactic acid bacteria has higher stability for influence of aggressive condition of gastrointestinal tract, adhesion, antymutagenic activity than Lactobacterin, and also unlike it shows a capacity for sorption of ions of heavy metals. After conducting of row of preclinical and clinical researches the developed composition of lactic acid bacteria can be recommended for the use as medication for the prevention and therapy the population of different countries.enpolystrain probioticlactobacteriaполіштамовий пробіотиклактобактеріїполиштаммовый пробиотиклактобактериикафедра біотехнології і мікробіологіїDevelopment of the composition of the polystrain probiotic on basis of the bacteria of genus LactobacillusThesis