Radzievska, IrinaMelnyk, Oksana2013-09-122013-09-122013Radzievska, I. Kinetics of oxidation of fatty foods as the main indicator of their quality / I. Radzievska, O. Melnyk // The Second North and East European Congress on Food. − 2013. – Kyiv, Ukraine. – P. 139https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9622This work was conducted by determining the acid and peroxide value in fresh oils and fats, and after one, three and six months of storage. Determining indicators of oils and fats oxidation allowed to apply Tsepalov`s graphical method for calculating kinetic parameters of the oxidation processen-USoils and fatsoxidationinduction timeinhibitorsолії та жириокисненняперіод індукціїінгібіторимасла и жирыокислениепериод индукцииингибиторыкафедра технології жирів, хімічних технологій харчових добавок та косметичних засобівкафедра експертизи харчових продуктівKinetics of oxidation of fatty foods as the main indicator of their quality