Obstawski, PawelKozyrskyy, VladimirMomotyuk, VictoriaZaets, Natalia2018-01-152018-01-152017Energy efficient intellectual control system of the electro-technological complex of a bread-baking plant / P. Obstawski, V. Kozyrskyi, V. Momotyuk, N. Zaiets // Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences. – Warsaw, SGGW. – № 67. – 2017. – Р. 34–39.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26528Energy efficient intellectual control system of the electro-technological complex of a bread-baking plant. Rationalization for the block schematic diagram of energy efficient control system of the processes on a bread-baking plant using artificial intelligence technologies based on the theory of neural networks was provided, the algorithm and structure of the control system of the process of baking bread was formed. Economic viability of the use of the proposed intellectual control system of the electro-technological complex of a bread-baking plant was demonstrated.enbread-baking plantsmathematical modelelectro-technological complexcontrol systemneural networksхлібозаводиматематична модельелектротехнічний комплекссистема управліннянейронні мережіхлебзаводыматематическая модельэлектротехнический комплекссистема управлениянейронные сетикафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерних технологій систем управлінняEnergy efficient intellectual control system of the electro-technological complex of a bread-baking plantArticle