Cherednichenko, GalinaShapran, LudmilaKunytsia, Lyudmila2012-07-092012-07-092009Cherednichenko, G. Actual problems of computer-assisted language learning application in the process of learning foreign languages in higher educational establishments of Ukraine / G. Cherednichenko, L. Shapran, L. Kunytsia // Trendy ve vzdělávání 2009 : Informační a komunikační technologie a didaktika ICT. - OLOMOUC, 2009. - DÍL II. - P. 292-296. social, economic and technological development of our society creates new challenges for the system of higher education in Ukraine. It’s not sufficient to give a student certain knowledge, which can be put into standards, books, textbooks and etc. It is necessary to develop independent, flexible, critical thinking of students.otherтехнічний розвитоктехническое развитиеtechnological developmentсуспільствокритичне мисленняобществокритическое мышлениеsocietycritical thinkingкафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїActual problems of computer-assisted language learning application in the process of learning foreign languages in higher educational establishments of Ukraine