Timoshok, NataliaStarovoitova, SvitlanaShy, D.Shevchuk, V.Spivak, Mykola2013-11-152013-11-152010Herpetical infection in mice and protective activity the composition of lactobacteria / N. Timoshok, S. Starovoitova, D. Shy, V. Shevchuk, N. Spivak // Біоресурси та віруси : тези VІ Міжнародної конференції, 14-17 вересня 2010 р. /відп. ред. В. П. Поліщук. - К. : Київський університет, 2010.- С. 31-32.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11319The protective activity of the lactobacteria composition under herpetic meningo-encephalitis connected with endogenic interferon stimulation during the whole terms of observation was 6 days. Thus, introducing of lactobacteria composition permitted to increase mice splenocytes activity, so they induced more interferon –α and –γ in vitro in response to an adequate induction. Thus, is has been revealed the significant efficacy of lactobacteria composition use on the model of mice herpetic meningo-encephalitis, which was stipulated activation by the system of interferon control animals.enherpetical infectionlactobacteriaprotective activityгерпетична інфекціялактобактеріїпротекторна активністькафедра біотехнології і мікробіологіїHerpetical infection in mice and protective activity the composition of lactobacteriaThesis