Luchian, MihaelaLitovchenko, IgorStefanov, StefanCsatlos, C.2012-09-122012-09-122012Numerical modeling and simulation of bread dough mixing using concept of computational fluid dynamics / I. Litovchenko, M. Luchian, S. Stefanov, C. Csatlos // Proceeding of 5 International Mechanical Engineering Forum June 20th 2012 – June 22nd 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. – 2012. – P. 584–590. aim of this article is to develop advanced technology for numerical modeling and simulation of bread dough mixing process, in order to provide a predictive capability of optimum design parameters of dough mixers using Computational Fluid Dynamics.enmixingперемішуванняbread doughnumerical modelingsimulationхлібтісточисельне моделюванняімітаційне моделюваннякафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвNumerical modeling and simulation of bread dough mixing using concept of computational fluid dynamicsArticle