Sapiga, VictoriaPolishchuk, GalynaBuniowska-Olejnik, MagdalenaShevchenko (Kishenko), IrynaOsmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana2022-02-012022-02-012021Enzymatic destruction of protopectin in vegetable raw materials to increase its structuring ability in ice cream / V. Sapiga, G. Polischuk, M. Buniowska, I. Shevchenko, T. Osmak // Ukrainian Food Journal. – 2021. – Vol. 10, Issue 4. – P. 691–702. cream is a structured multicomponent food product that is also an emulsion, foam and suspension. High-calorie ice cream with a fat content of at least 10–12% is stably in high demand due to its rich creamy taste, creamy consistency, and high resistance to melting. On the one hand, low-fat ice cream is of increasing interest to consumers as a new trend among low-calorie foods. On the other hand, the low content of fat (≤ 3%) and dry matter (≤ 30%) in ice cream has a negative effect on its quality.enIce creamβ-glucanvegetableморозивоβ-глюкановочікафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівPolyfunctional properties of oat β-glucan in the composition of milk-vegetable ice creamArticle