Karpik, EugeniaSvitlyk, AndriyProhorov, Alexander2013-12-262013-12-262013Karpik, Ye. Mass transfer in porous capillaries / Ye. Karpik, A. Svitlyk, O. Prohorov // Biotechnologies and food technologies - Ruse, 2013 - Vol. 52, book 10.2 - P. 47-51.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12546For widespread introduction of microtechnologies it is necessary to define theoretical bases, to conduct researches and to draw the corresponding conclusions. A cylindrical capillary in which the two-phase gas-liquid mixture moves was considered. In theory describes the motion of gas-liquid mixtures in capillaries in compressed conditions. The device for absorption of gases by liquid is developed and patented. The primary elements - perforated capillary to the outer surface of which is attached gas membrane. It was created a theoretical model of liquid saturation with carbon dioxide, which flows in porous capillaries.otherporouscapillarymasstransferпористыйкапиллярмассапередачапористийкапілярмасапередачакафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвMass transfer in porous capillariesArticle