Oprya, Natalia2014-11-252014-11-252014Oprya, N. Team-building exercises. Planning activities that actually work / Natalia Oprya // Наукові здобутки молоді – вирішенню проблем харчування людства у ХХІ столітті : програма і матеріали 80 міжнародної наукової конференції молодих учених, аспірантів і студентів, 10–11 квітня 2014 р. – К. : НУХТ, 2014. – Ч. 4. – С. 401-403.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18631Too often, managers plan their activity with no real thought or goal in mind. This tends to be a waste of time, and managers risk to lose the team's respect when they plan an exercise that doesn't actually help those involved.Team-building exercises can be a powerful way to unite a group, develop strengths, and address weaknesses - but only if the exercises are planned and carried out strategically. In other words, there has to be a real purpose behind your decision to do the exercise, for example, improving the team's problem-solving or creativity skills rather than because you felt like giving your people a nice day out of the office.planningmanagersteam-buildingпланированиеменеджерытимбилдингплануванняменеджеритімбілдінгTeam-building exercises. Planning activities that actually work