Pankov, DmitryKyshenko, Vasil2017-06-152017-06-152017Pankov D. Dynamic peer evaluation system of quality bakery products / D. V. Pankov, V. D. Kyshenko // Build-Master-Class-2016 : International scientific - practical conference of young scientists, 16-18 of November. – Kiev, 2016. - P. 157. creating an expert system of quantitative estimation of consumer properties of bakery products as part of the process control system, which is a set of management and control objects, events, methods and means to install, support and maintain a high level of productдинамічна експертна системадинамическая экспертная системаdynamic expert systemякість продукціїкачество продукцииquality of productsкваліметричний інструментарійквалиметрический инструментарийtools qualimetricкафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерних технологій систем управлінняDynamic peer evaluation system of quality bakery productsArticle