Cherednichenko, GalinaShapran, LudmilaЧередніченко, Галина АнатоліївнаШапран, Людмила Юліївна2014-06-272014-06-272013Cherednichenko, G. Distance learning: methodics, potential, avantages and disadvantages / G. Cherednichenko, L. Shapran // Инновационные технологии в образовании: материалы IX Международной науково-практической конференции : сборник статей. - Ялта, 2013. - С. 137-138. the article the authors disclose concept, characteristics, peculiarities of distance learning, which is gaining popularity around the world. In Ukraine, distance education is extremely actual. The reason for this success lies in regular training and retraining, as well as distance education is an alternative to extramural courses. The authors analyze theoretical, legal and methodological resources of distance education, reveal the advantages and disadvantages, problems and prospects of implementing distance education in Ukraine.otherdata portalFOOD-INFOeuropean projectінформаційний порталєвропейський проектинформационный порталевропейский проекткафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїDistance learning: methodics, potential, avantages and disadvantagesThesis