Evtushenko, OlgaSiryk, AlinaPorodko, Petro2017-04-062017-04-062016Evtushenko, O. Development of the occupational safety in the food industry with regard for the risk-based approach / О. Evtushenko, А. Siryс, Р. Porodko // Ukrainian Food Journal. – 2016. – Vol. 5., Is. 1. – P. 174–186.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24952The prediction of occupational risks and making the conditions for the prevention of injuries based on it is one of the promising scientific directions of the workplace safety development in industry, as it is directly connected with the manufacturing process.safetylabortraumatismriskбезпекапрацятравматизмризикбезопасностьтрудрисккафедра екологічної безпеки та охорони праціDevelopment of the occupational safety in the food industry with regard for the risk-based approachArticle