Breus, NataliaHrybkov, SerhiiPolishchuk, GalynaSeidykh, Olga2020-02-242020-02-242019Development of Mathematical Apparatus of the Expert System for Modelling Ice Cream Recipes with Specified Quality Parameters / N. M. Breus, S. V. Hrybkov, G. Ye Polischuk, O. L. Seidykh // Science and Innovation. – 2019. – Vol. 15 (5). – Р. 57–66. a result of the development of the expert system mathematical apparatus, a set-theoretical mathematical model of the finished product quality control at the stage of operative planning of new types of ice cream with increased nutritional value has been obtained; multi-component ice cream recipes have been optimized in terms of composition; and a model for determining the optimal set of control actions in the presence of technological defects in the calculation of recipes has been built.enmathematical apparatusexpert systemoptimizationice creamматематичний апаратекспертні системиоптимізаціяморозивокафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівкафедра інформаційних технологій, штучного інтелекту і кібербезпекиDevelopment of mathematical apparatus of the expert system for modelling ice cream recipes with specified quality parametersArticle