Pirog, TatianaKliuchka, IgorKliuchka (Nykytyuk), Lilia2023-10-252023-10-252022Pirog, T. Industrial wastes as substrates for synthesis of surfactants with antiadhesive activity by Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017 / T. Pirog, I. Kliuchka, L. Kliuchka // Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. – 2022. – V. 10, Is 1. − P. 32-40.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/41245Microbial surfactants can affect the degree of microorganism’s adhesion to different surfaces and lead to biodegradation of the already formed biofilms. They are also non-toxic to the environment. These properties allow to use the microbial surfactants in medicine and food industry.ensurfactantsRhodococcus erythropoliswaste, anti-adhesivebiofilm destructionповерхнево-активні речовинивідходиантиадгезивні властивостідеструкція біоплівкикафедра біотехнології і мікробіологіїIndustrial wastes as substrates for synthesis of surfactants with antiadhesive activity by Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017Article