Zaets, NataliaShtepa, VolodymyrKondratenko, IhorZhyltsov, AndriiRohovik, Andrii2022-02-042022-02-042021The use of electrotechnical equipment for food production wastewater treatment / N. Zaiets, V. Shtepa, I. Kondratenko, A. Zhyltsov, A. Rohovik // Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. – 2021. – № 9. – P. 106–109. wastewater ecological danger has been established on the example of a meat processing enterprise, systematic exceedances of normative maximum permissible concentrations of contaminants and unpredictable fluctuations of their values have been registered. The design of thesewage treatment electroflotocoagulation module is developed. Wastewaters from a dairy plant, a bakery, a distillery and a sugar plant were treated at the electrotechnical complex. Analytical dependencies are established to determine the energy consumption for counteraction of potential emergencies.enemergenciesenvironmental safetyelectrodialysiselectrophlotocoagulationнадзвичайні ситуаціїелектрофлотокоагуляціяелектродіалізекологічна безпекакафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерних технологій систем управлінняThe use of electrotechnical equipment for food production wastewater treatmentArticle