Bazhay-Zhezherun, SvitlanaSimahina, GalinaBereza-Kіndzerska, LudmilaNaumenko, Nataliia2019-04-262019-04-262019Qualitative indicators of grain flakes of functional purpose / S. Bazhay-Zhezherun, G. Simakhina, L. Bereza-Kindzerska, N. Naumenko // Ukrainian Food Journal.- 2019. Volume 8. Issue 1.- P. 7 - 18. influence of temperature regime and duration of cold grain conditioning on its biological value is determined. The dependence of basic physical and technological parameters of cereal flakes and organoleptic properties of finished samples of finished products on their component composition is investigated. The degree of maintenance of daily needs of the adult population in the macro and microcurrencies is determined, due to the consumption of 100 g of cereals. The indicators of microbiological stability of products are established.enactivationwheattriticaleoatsflakesактивуванняпшеницятритикалеовеспластівцікафедра гуманітарних дисциплінкафедра технології оздоровчих продуктівQualitative indicators of grain flakes of functional purposeArticle