Sapiga, VictoriaMykhalevych, ArturOsmak (Fedchenko), TetianaPolishchuk, Galyna2022-11-302022-11-302022Research features of low-fat ice cream mixtures structuring with beta-glucan and pectin-containing vegetable raw materials / V. Sapiga, A. Mykhalevych, T. Osmak, G. Polischuk // Збірник наукових праць молодих учених, аспірантів та студентів / Міністерство освіти і науки України ; Одеський національний технологічний університет. – Одеса, 2022. – С. 209–211 cream, as a food polydisperse system, requires special production conditions, in particular compliance with the maturation time of the ice cream mixtures, which ensures a regulated degree of the mixture structuring before freezing. Ice cream mixes show a viscosity anomaly, especially with a low shear gradient, so they are classified as non-Newtonian structured liquids. Effective viscosity is one of the most important y properties of non-Newtonian systems, which changes with the change in shear rate as a result of the gradual destruction of their structure.enlow-fat ice creambeta-glucanvegetable raw materialsнежирне морозивобета-глюканрослинна сировинакафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівResearch features of low-fat ice cream mixtures structuring with beta-glucan and pectin-containing vegetable raw materialsThesis