Naumenko, Nataliia2014-06-182014-06-182012Naumenko, N. The writer’s work through the prism of science and creativity (based on Mikhail Veller’s essay “Technology of a short story”) / N. Naumenko // Proceedings of Mykolo Romerio universitete – 2012. - № 9. – Р. 7-14. article represents the main conceits of development of a writer’s individual style and mastery, as they were interpreted in prose writings by Mikhail Veller, the modern Russian prose writer and publicist. There was shown that the views of a writer’s mastery in literary theory and in one’s own artistic practice could differ in terms, yet be similar in the main idea of an individual style development, which is the constant hard work on every word and phrase, whether in poetic or in prosaic writing. The keypoints of so-called ‘technology of a short story,’ as they were interpreted in writings by M. Veller, are thoroughly analyzed in the given article, based on the examples from Ukrainian and Lithuanian literatures. The author of the article has shown that such conceptual components of a literary process as the creative invention, genre modifications, composition, language and style, are to be connected by an artistic idea to make up the real short story which would be read non-stop. These principles were used to study one of the humoresques by Vitaute Žilinskaite, Precise Orientations. It was chosen as the brilliant synthesis of story, parody, literary essay, and scientific article, whose artistic objectives are not only a derision of the graphomaniac writer, but also a persuasion for the young poets from erroneous steps in assessment of individual literary style.otherрассказтехнологияхудожественное произведениеиндивидуальный стильтруды М. Веллератехнологіяхудожній твіріндивідуальний стильпраці М. Веллерарозповідьshort storytechnologyindividual styleartistic writingsM. Veller’s worksкафедра гуманітарних дисциплінThe writer’s work through the prism of science and creativity (based on mikhail veller’s essay “technology of a short story”)Article