Gavva, Oleksandr M.Tokarchuk, Serhii2012-11-202012-11-202012Gavva, O. Determination of rational parameters of function module dispensing plastic food / O. Gavva, S. Tokarchuk // Scientific Papers of the University (Bulgaria). - 2012. - T. 51. - Series 9.2. - P. 9-13. of both process and packaging equipment for food production facilities requires taking consideration of all factors affecting its operation and maintenance one way or another.This article proposes a method for scientifically substantiated determination or parameters for the functional module of moldable foods batching and sealing into consumer packages, taking into account the rheological parameters of foods, device structure, and the batching and sealing modes.otherпластична продукціяфункціональний модульпоршневий дозаторнасадкапластичная продукцияфункциональный модульпоршневой дозаторmoldable foodsfunctional modulepiston batchernozzleкафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвкафедра мехатроніки та пакувальної технікиDetermining reasonable parameters for the functional module of moldable foods batchingArticle