Govorushko, TamaraSytnyk, Inna2014-04-162014-04-162013Govorushko, T. The origin and essence of money. Modern point of view / T. Govorushko, I. Sytnyk // Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. – 2013. - Volume 1, Issue 2. - Р. 269-275. to determine the origin, nature and role of money have a long history. In particular those questions were put back in the writings of classical political economy by Adam Smith and David Ricardo. We notice a lot of conflicting opinions analyzing the current theoretical research on the money essence and nature. So the article was to explore these issues more deeply and show the vision of the problem because we consider it relevant in modern economy which is constantly changing and transformating.moneyconceptionrationalismevolutionaryvaluefinancialгрошіконцепціяраціоналізмеволюціонізмфінансиденьгиконцепциярационализмэволюционизмфинансыкафедра фінансівThe origin and essence of money. Modern point of viewArticle