Poliezhaiev, IvanGavva, Oleksandr M.2019-11-202019-11-202015Poliezhaiev, I. Mathematical modeling of deformation during the flat cardboard creasing / І. Poliezhaiev, O. Gavva // Journal of food and packaging science, technique and technologies. - 2015. - № 7. - P. 52-561314-7773https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/30272The relevance and the way of flat paperboard creasing mathematical modeling with the finite element method are described in the article. The quality of creasing is influenced by many factors, the main ones are the physical and mechanical properties and structure of paperboard, shape and size of creasing tools and parameters of creasing matrix. Mathematical model of creasing allows predicting the influence of these factors on the process of creasing and quality, and selecting rational parameters.en-UScreasingcardboardpaperboard deformationpaperboard foldingбігування картонукартондеформація картонускладання картонукафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвMathematical modeling of deformation during the flatcardboard creasingThesis