Galynska, OlenaShkoliar, N.Dziubata, Z.Kravets, S.Levchyk, N.2021-11-182021-11-182021Innovative Teaching Technologies as a Way to Increase Students’ Competitiveness / O. Galynska, N. Shkoliar, Z. Dziubata, S. Kravets, N. Levchyk // International Journal of Education and Information Technologies. – 2021. – Vol. 15. – P. 215–226. article presents an analysis of innovative teaching technologies as a way to increase students’ competitiveness. The author found that innovative technologies in education are information and communication technologies relying on computer-based learning. The structure, content of educational software, organization of Web-space are important when using innovative teaching technologies in English classes.eninnovative teaching technologiesinformation and communication technologiesIT specialistbusiness game technologycase study technologyкафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняінноваційні технології навчаннятехнологія тематичного дослідженняінформаційно-комунікаційні технологіїтехнологія ділової гриInnovative Teaching Technologies as a Way to Increase Students’ CompetitivenessArticle