Tarasenko, IrinaHeerens, W. Chr.Tarasenko, Sergiy2012-12-282012-12-282012Tarasenko, I. The capacitive absolute strain gauge / I. Tarasenko, W.Chr. Heerens, S. Tarasenko // Ukrainian Food Journal. - 2012. - № 3. - P. 68-72.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5176Summary: Using the uniplanar three-terminal capacitance concept, a capacitive sensor that meets all of the demands necessary for making precision strain gauges was designed. The fundamental calculation of such a strain gauge was given. Overview of the characteristics of the capacitive sensor of deformations, carried out in comparison with traditional strain gauges, showed its extraordinary advantages. It is shown, that for the first time he meets the requirements of the so-called absolute strain gauge. Was suggested several possible variants of such a converter.otherтриємкістний термінал концепціїтрех-емкостный терминал концепцииthree -terminal capacitance conceptтонких плівок методамидатчик деформаційоднопланових електродиточністьтонких пленок методамидатчик деформацийодноплановых электродыточностьthin-film techniquessensor of deformationsuniplanar electrodesprecisionкафедра електропостачання і енергоменеджментуThe capacitive absolute strain gaugeArticle