Kotlyar, EugeneHoncharenko, TaisaTopchiy, Oksana2018-04-232018-04-232016Kotlyar, Y. Evelopment of formulation multicomponent protein-fat emulsion / Y. Kotlyar, T. Honcharenko, O. Topchii // Харчова наука і технологія. – 2016. – № 4. – P. 25–30.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27095The article is based on research of the protein components of different nature analysis. The possibility of their use as components of protein and fat emulsions for the purpose of modeling their optimal formulations for use in the composition of meat pates was proved. Rational individuals’ emulsification process parameters, which guarantee high-quality homogeneous emulsions, were found. The samples of protein and fat emulsions using protein drugs and partial replacement of animal fats fortified blend of vegetable oils, determined by their biological value, rheological, functional and technological properties were investigated. Organoleptic analysis model of meat pates masses were analyzed and recommended percentage of protein and fat emulsions on recipes meat pates are shown.enбілково-жирова емульсія (БЖЕ)вітамінізовані купажі рослинних олій (ВКРО)м’ясні паштетибелково-жировая эмульсиякупажированные растительные масламясные паштетыfat-protein emulsion (FPE)fortified blending of vegetable oils (FBoVO)meat patesкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівEvelopment of formulation multicomponent protein-fat emulsionArticle