Mykhailova, Nelia2013-09-182013-09-182012Mykhailova, N. Achieving cultural acquiescence through foreign language e-learning / Naykowa mysl informacyjnej powieki -2013 : Materialy IX Miedzynarodowej Naukowi-Praktycznej konferencji. - 2012. - Volume 11. Pedagogiczne nauki.: Przemysl. Nauka i studia. – P. 29. Many individuals, businesses, educational institutions and governments have turned to informational communication technologies (ICTs) as a cost effective way to enhance cross-cultural communication and, in particular, foreign language learning. However, although these technologies are easily accessible, they do not adequately address the cultural aspects associated with second language development. The need to learn additional language is also increasing due to migration that accompanies globalization. As people migrate from one society to another, there is an increasing need to learn the language and the culture of the host societies.otherdynamic adaptatione-learningcultural dimensionindigenous languagesocial dynamicsдинамічна адаптаціяелектронне вивченнякультурний аспектмова корінного населеннясоціальна динамікадинамическая адаптацияэлектронное обучениекультурный аспектязык коренного народасоциальная динамикакафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняAchieving cultural acquiescence through foreign language e-learningArticle