Kuyevda, ValeryDanyluk, ValeryKuievda, Yulia2014-04-302014-04-302013Kuevda, V. Magnetic drum separator for removal of ferromagnetic impurities from sugar / V. Kuevda, V. Danilyuk, Iu. Kuievda // The Second North and East European Congress on Food : book of abs. - 2013. – P. 61.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14202This separator has specific pole geometry for creating high gradient of magnetic field and itsconcentration on the working area surface for providing sufficient forces of removing even low magnetic contaminants from the sugar flux. The rotation of the drum creates the conditions for guaranteed removal offerromagnetic impurities in the discharge zone, where the magnetic field is absent. Separation qualitycomplies with current standards.magnetic drum separatorferromagnetic contaminants in sugarмагнітний барабанний сепараторферомагнітні домішки у цукрімагнитный барабанный сепараторферромагнитные примеси в сахарекафедра електропостачання і енергоменеджментуMagnetic drum separator for removal of ferromagnetic impurities from sugarThesis