Medyk, Vyacheslav2015-04-062015-04-062015Medyk, V. Hotel energy solutions / V. Medyk // Готельно-ресторанний бізнес: інноваційні напрями розвитку : міжнародна науково-практична конференція, 25-27 березня 2015 р. – К. : НУХТ, 2015. – С. 146-147. Energy Solutions - a free of charge innovative online software application that offers energy use data analysis, decision-making support and recommendations for investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, ROI calculator, as well as a carbon footprint calculator. The project delivers information, technical support and training to help small and medium enterprises in the tourism and accommodation sector to increase their energy efficiency and renewable energy usage.otherdesigntechnical supporthotelпроектготельтехнічна підтримкаHotel energy solutionsOther