Reshytko, BorysV'yunov, O.2017-11-152017-11-152017Reshytko, B. Synthesis and properties of doped barium titanate with high dielectric permittivity / B. Reshytko, O. V'yunov // Scientific Conference of Young Scientists of V.I. Vernadsky IGIC of NAS of Ukraine, November 16-17 : book of Abstracts. – Kyiv, 2017. – P. 8–9. and semiconductor BaTiO3 ceramic samples have been synthesized and their electrical and physical properties have been studied. It have been shown that the semiconductor ceramic samples of barium titanate are characterized by a high values of dielectric permittivity, which significantly higher in comparison with dielectric samples due to the formation of additional polarization at the grain boundaries and metal-dielectric transitions.enhigh dielectric permittivityferroelectric polarizationinterface metal-dielectricgrain boundarieshopping conductionвисока діелектрична проникністьсегнетоелектрична поляризаціяінтерфейс метал-діелектрикграниці зеренстрибкова провідністьвысокая диэлектрическая проницаемостьсегнетоэлектрическая поляризацияинтерфейсы металл-диэлектрикграницы зёренпрыжковая проводимостькафедра технологічного обладнання та комп’ютерних технологій проектуванняSynthesis and Properties of Doped Barium Titanate with High Dielectric PermittivityOther