Breus, NataliaHrybkov, SerhiiPolishchuk, Galyna2018-07-112018-07-112017Hybrid e xpert system to model the ice cream recipes / Natalia Breus, Serhii Hrybkov Galyna Polischuk // Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. - 2017. Vol. 5. Is. 2. – РР. 294-304. method of ice cream recipe modeling is developed, which, unlike traditional ones, is based on the application of processing expert data and optimization methods. It allows to significantly expand the range of tasks. These tasks solutions can bring significant economic effect.enкафедра інформаційних технологій, штучного інтелекту і кібербезпекикафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівice creamrecipesexpert systemknowledge basedata baseморозиворецептиекспертна системабаза знаньHybrid e xpert system to model the ice cream recipesArticle