Shtefan, YevgeniiShamis, M. B.Litovchenko, Igor2014-07-012014-07-012010Shtefan, E. Information technologies for vibration strength analysis of the Rovenskaya nuclear power plant main steam line / E. Shtefan, M. Shamis, I. Litovchenko // Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. - Strenght of Materials. - 2010. - Vol. 42, № 1. - Р. 124-128. installed reasons of steam line vibration at steady-state operation of the power unit. With the use of mathematical modeling the frequency response ripple coolant pressure and parameters of forced oscillations pipeline.enвібрації валопроводавибрации валопроводаsteam line vibrationпульсації тискупульсации давленияpulsation pressureматематичне моделюванняматематическое моделированиеmathematic modelingкафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвInformation technologies for vibration strength analysis of the Rovenskaya nuclear power plant main steam lineArticle