Strizhnova, Marianna2016-05-122016-05-122015Stryzhnova, M. Formation of the professional French competence of the future tourism specialists in the non-linguistic university by the project method / M. Stryzhnova // Мова і культура : науковий журнал. – К.: Вид. дім Дмитра Бураго, 2015. – Вип. 18, Т. III (178). – 400 c. – C. 289-296. is necessary for the students of the degree program “Tourism” to master the bases of the French language translator’s competence as the second foreign language because it contributes to the enrichment of their professional education experience and to the significant broadening of their world outlook in terms of professional and commercial possibilities. The components of translator’s competence of the future tour manager are relevant intercultural professionally oriented, communicative, social-cultural, social-linguistic and other competences. Formation of the translator’s competence is dominant for the future employees of tour management and it includes basic command of linguistic knowledge and high level of professional communicative skills.otherкафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуваннявищий навчальний закладвихідна моваіноземна мовамова перекладуперекладацька компетенціятуристичний менеджментвысшее учебное заведениеисходящий языкиностранный языкязык переводапереводческая компетентностьтуристический менеджментhigher educational institutionsource languageforeign languagetarget languagefuture employees of tour managementtranslator’s competencetour managementFormation of the professionally oriented French translator’s competence of the future employees of tour managementArticle