Rashevska, TamaraGulyy, IvanSimahina, GalinaPryadko, NikolaiGoyko, IrynaTobilevich, N.2013-07-052013-07-051998The role of water phase in formation of microstructure of butter with red beet powder additive / T. Rashevska, I. Gulyy, G. Simachina, N. Pryadko, I. Goyko, N. Tobilevich // Water managment in the disign and distribution of quality food. Proceeding of the poster sessions. - Helsinki, Finland, 1998. - P. 202-203.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8962Electron microscopic investigation stated that saccharose contained in beet powder favoured the formation of cell structure on the edge of water and fat phase, and increased the mechanical strength of fat globule cover. This fact provided the formation of granular structure and plastic consistence butter with beet powder additive.enbuttermicrostructurewater phaseвершкове масломікроструктураводна фазасливочное масломикроструктураводная фазакафедра теплоенергетики та холодильної технікикафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівкафедра технології оздоровчих продуктівThe role of water phase in formation of microstructure of butter with red beet powder additiveThesis