Peshuk, LudmilaGorbach, OlexandrGalenko, Oleg2019-04-242019-04-242018Peshuk, L. Improving the technology o f cooked sausages using protein-mineralhydrocarbon additive / L. Peshuk, O. Gorbach, O. Galenko // Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2018. – Vol. 6, Issue 1. – P. 6–12. have been conducted to determine the effect of adding chitosan to a malted meat product with mechanically separated poultry meat. Chitosan when interacting with any animal protein increases the moisture content of the finished product 10-15%. Boiled sausage with mechanically separated poultry meat and protein-mineral-hydrocarbon additives has a well balanced composition, it has high consumer properties and can be attributed to complete nutrition by content of essential amino acids.en-USбілоквуглеводим'ясоковбасихітозанбелокуглеводымясоколбасыхитозанproteincarbohydratesmeatsausagechitosanкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівImproving the technology o f cooked sausages using protein-mineralhydrocarbon additiveArticle