Ganechko, MarinaPetrusha, Oksana2019-08-282019-08-282016-05Ganechko, M. Identification the falsification of butter by fluorescent method / Marina Ganechko, Oksana Petrusha // 8th Central European Congress on Food 2016 — Food Science for Well-being (CEFood 2016) : book of abstracts, 23–26 May 2016. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2016. – P. 123.978-966-612-181-6 this paper, a method is given for determining the falsification of butter by vegetable fats, which involves the use of digital technology and in luminescent illumination of a sample identifying points with a certain value of the color coordinates.enлюмінесценціяколориметріявершкове маслорослинні жирикафедра експертизи харчових продуктівcolorimetrybutterluminescencevegetable fatsIdentification the falsification of butter by fluorescent methodThesis