Pshenychna, TetyanaGrek, OlenaShymanyuk, Illia2021-12-112021-12-112021Pshenychna, T. Change in quality indicators of curd mass based on protein-berry clots during storage period / T. Pshenychna, O. Grek, I. Shymanyuk // Наукові проблеми харчових технологій та промислової біотехнології в контексті Євроінтеграції : програма та тези матеріалів ІХ-ї Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції, 09-10листопада 2021 р., м. Київ. – Київ: НУХТ, 2021. – C. 192–193. change in the active acidity of the curd mass based on protein-berry clots for 72 hours at a temperature of (4±2) ˚С has been investigated. The research results showed that the active acidity of the curd mass directly depends on the quality indicators of the protein-berry clots, namely, the pH value of the berry coagulant and the amount of its introduction. In addition, the change in the moisture-retaining capacity of curd mass based on protein-berry clots for 72 hours at a temperature of (4±2) ˚С has been determined.enactive aciditycurd massmilk proteinsкафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівактивна кислотністьсирна масамолочні білкиChange in quality indicators of curd mass based on protein-berry clots during storage periodThesis