Kotlyar, EugeneTopchiy, OksanaPilipenko, LyudmilaPуlуpenko, InnaSevastіanova, Elena2018-04-262018-04-262017Development of sanitary-safe poultry paste products with balanced fatty acid and vitamin composition / Y. Kotliar, O. Topchiy, L. Pylypenko, I. Pуlуpenko, E. Sevastіanova // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2017. - 3/11 (87). ‒ P. 61-70.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27240Ten original recipes of meat pates enriched with biologically active ingredients have been developed through the use of vitaminized blended vegetable oils (VKRO) and protein-fat emulsions (BZHE) on their basis for general and special nutrition. New blends of vegetable oils have been created, their fatty acid composition and their fat-soluble vitamins content are determined. Accelerated control of new products has been carried out in the presence of heat-resistant spore-forming bacteria using modern molecular genetic studies (PCR). Proven expediency of introduction of new safe meat paste into production.кафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівм’ясні паштетивітамінізовані купажовані рослинні оліїбілково-жирові емульсіїсанітарно-гігієнічна безпекамясные паштетывитаминизированные купажированные растительные маслаvitaminized blended vegetable oilsprotein-fat emulsionssanitary-hygienic safetyDevelopment of sanitary-safe poultry paste products with balanced fatty acid and vitamin compositionArticle